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12019 Circulation : mathématiques, histoire, enseignement. Creating inquiry-reflective learning environments in mathematics through history and original sources. p. 13-29.
22019 Proceedings of the Eighth European Summer University on History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education ESU 8.Ressource en ligne
32016 History and Pedagogy of Mathematics: july 18-22 2016, Montpellier, France. Enacting inquiry learning in mathematics through history. p. 453-464.Ressource en ligne
42016 History and Pedagogy of Mathematics: july 18-22 2016, Montpellier, France. History of mathematics in mathematics education. Recent developments. p. 135-179.Ressource en ligne
52016 History and Pedagogy of Mathematics: july 18-22 2016, Montpellier, France. Original sources in the mathematics classroom. p. 205-207.Ressource en ligne
62015 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education: Proceedings of the Seventh European Summer University. E.G. Posters Sessions. p. 822-839.Ressource en ligne
72015 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education: Proceedings of the Seventh European Summer University. ESU 7.Ressource en ligne
82015 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education: Proceedings of the Seventh European Summer University. Mathematics as a tool-driven practice: the use of material and conceptual artefacts in mathematics. p. 79-95.Ressource en ligne
92012 HPM 2012. The HPM Satellite Meeting of ICME-12. Proceeding book 1. Uses of History for the Learning of and about Mathematics : Towards a Theorical Framework for Integrating History of Mathematics in Mathematics Education. p. 1-21.Ressource en ligne
102011 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education: Proceedings of the Sixth European Summer University (ESU 6). Does history have a significant role to play for the learning of mathematics. Multiple perspective approach to history, and the learning of meta level rules of mathematical discourse. p. 51-61.Ressource en ligne