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12011 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education: Proceedings of the Sixth European Summer University (ESU 6). The concept of tangent line. Historical and didactical aspects in Portugal (18th century). p. 687-695.Ressource en ligne
22008 History and epistemology in mathematics education: proceedings of the 5th European Summer University. Reflection Upon a "Method for Studying Maths", by José Monteiro Da Rocha (1734-1819). p. 731-739.Ressource en ligne
32001 Histoire et épistémologie dans l'éducation mathématique : de la maternelle à l'université. V. 2. The study of Nicomedes' Conchoid and Descartes' Folium, according to the Portuguese mathematician Francisco Gomes Teixeira in his Traité des Courbes Spéciales Remarquables Planes et Gauches. p. 1-18.Ressource en ligne